Page 190 - Double-Headed PHOENIX and MATAJI – The Mother of All
P. 190

My WhiTe ThRead MaTaji CeReMOny
i i i i ended in Vaishno devi Rock Temple where
I honoured rst Muni-Baba and then the the three Goddesses
Maha Maha Maha Kali Maha Maha Maha laKShMi Maha Maha Maha SaRaSWaTi a a a a a a good feeling for each and everyone on on this special day it it ended with great thankfulness and joy On leaving Udaipur I was full of con dence that my gardens and and and my people there were in good hands and and and under best protection through our MaTaji‘s guidance 188
The The BRide OF The The Wind 1986 

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