Page 178 - Double-Headed PHOENIX and MATAJI – The Mother of All
P. 178

Misael a a a young huichol indian from Mexico visited me at my stand he had a a a a one week show show of huichol art works in another show show tent outside with very special exhibits The huichol folk live high up in in the Sierra Madre mountains in in Mexico They are called The The healinG PeO- Ple They are a a a small community only 15 – 18 000 people are are left from this Pre-Columbian tribe They are are creating special dReaM- aRT and honouring the the the the the Mother Mother in in in Mother Mother nature The symbols in in in their art are the the the the the sun the the the the the the moon the the the the the the deer the the the the the the turtle the the the the the the snake the the the the the the eagle and many more even the the the the the the dOUBle-headed eaGle as as as far back as as as 20 years i i had heard about these healinG PeOPle and was very much interested in in in their so incredible dReaM-aRT-WORKS especially after i i i i i i i had discovered that my dOUBle-headed PhOenix was on on a a a a a a postcard as as one of their symbols They transfer their dream world into wall hangings objects jaguar masks and jewellery i i i had seen my dOUBle-headed PhOenix up to this very day only on on printed cards but never before on on a a a real object Suddenly the day before Christmas i i i i i i was shown a a a a a a really impressive big huichol jag- uar mask with all my my favourite rainbow rainbow colours just like my my rainbow rainbow children‘s house in in in my Paradise garden in in in india 176

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